It’s all about what is fair and what is not. We all grow up listening to stories about heroes and villains. The hero needs to win in the end, even though the best stories have the villain win once in a while, or at very least get the upper hand before the hero saves the day. We live vicariously through superheroes, in both our imaginations and the real world. Who are some of the heroes of the last hundred years or so? JFK was one. He was so young, dashing and suave. He was a Democrat, which is a great thing to be if you want to be a hero in the United States. Other similar heroes include his brother Robert, Bill Clinton, and most recently Barrack Obama. There were non-presidential heroes of course, like Martin Luther King, that police officer who took a bullet for Ronald Reagan, the entire NYPD and NYFD on 9/11, and there have been countless athletes, celebrities and do-gooders over the years to fill a small library with tales of courage and valour. Can Republicans be heroes? Sure, W. was a hero after 9/11 for his unwavering strength and determination to vanquish the foe (whoever that is or was). Mayor Giuliani was definitely one. Before that, it’s hard to think of any. No one is going to bestow that mantle on Reagan or Nixon any time soon.
Sometimes heroes want to be heroes a little too much. That is a dangerous line to cross, because sometimes the ends don’t actually justify the means. I was watching The Incredibles this afternoon with my family, which is one of my favourite films in recent years, regardless of it being a cartoon. The antagonist is a villain named Syndrome, who began his career as a wannabe sidekick to Mr. Incredible, who repeatedly spurned his good intentions. As an adult, the would-be hero dwelled on his jealousy and resentment until he became that which he once would have fought—a villain. Yes, it is a cautionary tale for all would-be heroes. Ask Anakin Skywalker. If you become too self-absorbed, you can become that thing you wish not to be. It’s the great paradox of good intention. Some say the road to Hell itself is even paved with it. Scary stuff.
Now take a brief glance at some of the world’s most nefarious villains. Let’s begin with the one we all shake in our boots at even the sound of his name. Adolf Hitler. He was without a doubt one of the worst. No one can argue that. However, there were plenty of people around him back in the day who thought he was a hero. And he did some really heroic things. Germany was an absolute mess after the Great War, and try as they did, none of the lackeys that attempted to build the country back to respectability had any luck or success whatsoever. People were hungry, they had no jobs, and they were just itching for some good news. Who doesn’t like good news? Insert Hitler. He was a fiery speaker, he made huge promises, amassed a loyal retinue of sycophants that echoed his radical yet appealing views, and he even fashioned a fancy logo. He branded himself as a marketable product. And in people’s darkest hours, they look skyward for a hero to deliver them. The exiled Israelites in Babylon were so destitute that prophets started telling tales of redemption and deliverance. Read the book of Isaiah sometime. He was just a man who was waiting for a superman to save them. One day they were freed, but the epilogue to that great tale wasn’t written until Jesus arrived. Turns out the red and blue cape fit him just fine. Hitler’s cape was not red and blue; it was red and black, and eventually his heroism turned out to be a cruel ruse. Did Hitler ever have any actual good intentions? It seems unlikely, and if he did, they were so distorted that he was doomed to become Syndrome from the get-go.
There are a lot of things wrong with all of this. First, Hitler was one of many, many villains in the last hundred years. Everyone reading this knows who he was. And we should. Ask yourself how much you know about Pol Pot, Nikolai Ceausescu, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Augusto Pinochet, Kim Il-Sung, or Idi Amin. There are more recent ones you may be more familiar with, such as Saddam Hussein, Mohammar Qadaffi, and Fidel Castro, to name a few. All of the above were heroes to many. All of the above committed terrible atrocities; some are akin to and perhaps worse than Hitler. And what no one wants to know is how western governments appeased, befriended, or ignored the actions of all of them at one time or another. Add the Syrian dictator to that list. Bin Laden was one. Joseph Kony is another one; now it seems the audience has finally had enough of this guy, and are demanding the screenwriters to bring in the heroes to save the day. There are reports of widespread murder, torture, and least-tolerable of all, children are being kidnapped and forced to do unspeakable things. Somebody has to do something!
I first saw Kony’s name a few days ago. It was on Facebook of course, and there was a link being posted that read ‘Kony 2012’. At first I thought he was a presidential dark horse picking up on the social media train and gaining support. The follower of American news I am, I thought it odd that this one slipped past me, so I looked into it, and to my utter disappointment, he turned out to be some Ugandan resistance leader. He’s not even a Republican. From his picture, I thought he could have been a member of the Wu-Tang Clan, or maybe that new collective Odd Future. No. He’s just another villain. There’s a half-hour video, that I have yet to actually watch, I should say, which apparently tells the unimaginably awful horrors of Kony and his resistance group fighting in Uganda and half a dozen neighbouring countries in central Africa. What has polarized this issue on the internet is not the crimes he has committed, nor the government in Uganda his organization has been fighting (no one knows if they are as bad as he is), the fact that a social media platform had to drag his dirty laundry into the street for us all to pick over, and that our heroic governments are doing nothing to stop it. Maybe the people of Uganda felt this way before Kony arrived on the scene. Maybe he flew in with a flapping cape and a whole bunch of good ideas, only to turn out to be more like Hitler than Jesus. Heroism is really a perception thing. And it is subject to change from scene to scene, or chapter to chapter. That’s what makes it so exciting!
What makes me angry about all this Kony stuff is that everyone thinks they can solve the mystery. A half-hour video, a shared link on Facebook, and boom—we know the ending. Nothing unites us like a common enemy. Senator McCarthy counted on that. The coalition- government-that-never-was in Canada a few years ago tried that angle, but Harper vanquished that enemy pretty quickly. Who was the hero, Harper or the Coalition? It depends on your perspective. Who are the heroes in Uganda? It doesn’t really matter if you can’t even point out where on the map Uganda actually is. Some sharp readers might recognize Idi Amin from my list of villains above. He was actually a former Ugandan villain. There was a movie made about him recently, so he must have been a really juicy one. Finally, why Kony, and why now? The deeper questions are as follows: who is profiting from this exposure? Is that picture actually of him, or is it just one of those ‘anybody’ pictures, like the ones that come with picture frames? And what are you going to do about it? Before I sign off, here are the questions no one is asking: Who made those clothes you bought last week at Aeropostale? Who grew and harvested the coffee beans that are ground up in your Tassimo? How much were the workers paid that manufactured all those MacDonalds Happy Meal toys, Dollar Store trinkets, and party favours laying in boxes in your garage? How old were they? What are they eating for supper tonight? What do their heroes look like? Imagine who their villains are.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
ReplyDeleteAlbert Einstein
Most people are all too happy to roll through life accepting everything and questioning nothing. I roll my eyes at all of the junk that floats around on the internet. Moral crusade of the moment! Be more skeptical people!
As for the hero stuff, it's an interesting observation. Heroes and villains usually depend on who's side you are on.
FWIW I vote Stalin as a bigger villain over Hitler because Stalin had more years to become so.